Goldata Financial
Education is the key to making informed financial decisions

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Elliot Goldberg is an independent Registered Investment Advisor specializing in helping clients generate dependable lifetime income for their retirement.

(610) 999-3599

Now you can buy guaranteed* annual income for life with the purchase of a Fixed Index Annuity today.

Below are some of the guaranteed* minimum annual payouts you can receive every year for the rest of your life for ages 70 and younger. For ages 71-79, please click here for starting payouts in one year.

You choose when you would like your lifetime income to start. The longer you wait, the higher the payout!

If you'd like to find out how much annual income you can receive for the rest of your life, please fill out the request form to the left of the chart below.



Current age:

Age to start payouts:

State of residence:

Yes! Please send me more information on how I can get guaranteed* lifetime annual payouts for the rest of my life.
